Allow storing cwd as realpath when directory is symlink

Hi there,

I use symbolic links a lot and in tmux when I split a window using the #{pane_current_path} I know it will use the real path on the new pane as described in #{pane_current_path} does not retain symlinked path · Issue #1282 · tmux/tmux · GitHub

Atuin treats the cwd the same way and the database ends up storing as cwd the path of the symbolic link when I type commands on the first pane, and then the physical path when I type commands on the second pane.

However, the end result is that the DIRECTORY filter will be fragmented, with some of my history only being reachable when I am in the symbolic link. I would like to be able to recall all the commands I typed on a directory.

Would it be feasible to add a configuration to change the behavior so the real path is always stored?
