I’ve recently updated: this behaviour is a little annoying. I can reproduce running atuin search -i directly, I can reproduce in full mode (rather than compact) and I’ve confirmed it doesn’t occur on 18.3. Is there some way to disable this change?
On both versions, the down key on the last line exits the search. I’m ok with that.
(Edit: the right key exits, too — I’d like to stop this.)
I’ve also noticed that the workspace filter is no longer automatically activated, in git repositories. It had worked when I had filter_mode = "global" but now requires filter_mode = "workspace". That seems like a bugfix, but it means the documentation of the workspaces option is now misleading.
Actually, from my perspective, this was unintentional. I did not mean to break backward compatibility.
I can fix it, but I am now worried about how this might affect new users. It is probably not a big deal for them because they likely use the new option instead of “workspaces”. @ellie, what do you think?
What about reverting left key/right key changes — do I have to wait for the (incoming) changes to allow custom keymap functionality in the TUI?
In any case: thanks for the quick responses! Glad I joined the forum. I noticed on signup that there are still template placeholders in the privacy policy and terms of conditions — I presume these should have been filled automatically?