Different history database items count on 2 machines

I don’t have the same exact count when I run atuin sync on 2 machines and I was wondering if it was normal.

# laptop
❯ atuin sync
0/0 up/down to record store
Sync complete! 124727 items in history database, force: false

# phone (nix-on-droid)
❯ atuin sync
0/0 up/down to record store
Sync complete! 127150 items in history database, force: false

Could you please share

  1. The version of Atuin you’re using
  2. Whether or not you are using sync v2

I’d try

  1. atuin sync -f
  2. Switching to sync v2 - more here: Sync v2 testing
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I’m not using sync v2.

# laptop
❯ atuin --version
atuin 17.2.1
❯ atuin sync -f
0/0 up/down to record store
Sync complete! 127161 items in history database, force: true
❯ atuin sync
0/0 up/down to record store
Sync complete! 127168 items in history database, force: false

# phone (nix-on-droid)
❯ atuin --version
atuin 17.0.1                                          ❯ atuin sync -f                                       0/0 up/down to record store
Sync complete! 127425 items in history database, force: true
❯ atuin sync                                          0/0 up/down to record store
Sync complete! 128526 items in history database, force: false

I don’t mind updating my phone and trying sync v2 :slight_smile:

ok sounds good! if you could update both to v18 (released in the past few days), that would be great. lmk if you have any issues!

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