Failed to find $ATUIN_SESSION when syncing a second machine

First machine works fine, second one doesn’t. I have

fcoury@m3pro ~ 🦀 v1.83.0
> $ fish --version
fish, version 4.0b1

fcoury@m3pro ~ 🦀 v1.83.0
> $ cat ~/.config/fish/conf.d/
source "$HOME/.atuin/bin/"

fcoury@m3pro ~ 🦀 v1.83.0
> $ atuin status
Atuin v18.4.0 - Build rev

Sync frequency: 10m
Last sync: 1969-12-31 21:00:00.0 -03:00:00
Username: fcoury

fcoury@m3pro ~ 🦀 v1.83.0
> $ atuin sync
0/0 up/down to record store
7396 in history index, but 0 in history store
Running automatic history store init...
⠁ Fetching history from old database
ERROR: Failed to find $ATUIN_SESSION in the environment. Check that you have correctly set up your shell.
⠁ Fetching history from old database

I was able to fix this adding the following to my fish shell config:

  atuin init fish --disable-up-arrow --disable-ctrl-r | source
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For anyone finding this on Google -

ATUIN_SESSION is set by the shell plugin. If it’s erroring, it’s because you either haven’t installed the shell plugin, or have somehow misconfigured it

Check that you have correctly set up your shell

See the install guide for more: Installation | Atuin Docs