Having trouble keeping fzf-generated 'builtin cd -- ...' commands out of atuin history

I’m using atuin 18.3.0 and I also have a fzf zsh integration setup.

I use the M-c keybind that fzf created to quickly change to a subdirectory. The command this generates is something like

builtin cd – /Users/collin/.dotfiles/ghostty

I’m able to modify it to strip out the builtin prefix before it goes into zsh history with this:

function zshaddhistory() {
    local line=${1%%$'\n'}
    if [[ "$line" = "builtin cd -- "* ]]; then
        print -s "cd ${line#"builtin cd -- "}"
        return 1
    return 0

However, this does not work for atuin history. I don’t want to exclude it from atuin history, but rather do what my zshaddhistory function is doing, removing the builtin cd -- prefix beforehand.

Is there a way to do this? I’ve also tried adding a preexec function to .zshrc to do the same thing, and that did not work. FWIW I am initializing atuin at the end of .zshrc.