Help with odd atuin...thing(?) with status

Again, newbie here so perhaps this is a FAQ but I can’t figure out how to search for what’s happening…so I ask here. Namely, I keep some build instructions for Open MPI (in this case) in my lua modulefile a la:

-- This was built using:
-- $ mkdir build-clang-gfortran-12 && cd build-clang-gfortran-12
-- $ ../configure --disable-wrapper-rpath --disable-wrapper-runpath \
--    CC=clang CXX=clang++ FC=gfortran-12 \
--    --with-hwloc=internal --with-libevent=internal --with-pmix=internal \
--    --prefix=$HOME/installed/Compiler/clang-gfortran-12/openmpi/5.0.1 |& tee configure.clang-gfortran-12.log

and then when I want to run it, I just copy and paste each line (minus the -- comment chars). However, when I do this now, atuin is reacting to the third (and fourth) configure line:

❯ ../configure --disable-wrapper-rpath --disable-wrapper-runpath \
> CC=clang CXX=clang++ FC=gfortran-12 \
> --with-hwloc=internal --with-libevent=internal --with-pmix=internal \error: unexpected argument '--with-hwloc' found

  tip: to pass '--with-hwloc' as a value, use '-- --with-hwloc'

Usage: atuin search <--cwd <CWD>|--exclude-cwd <EXCLUDE_CWD>|--exit <EXIT>|--exclude-exit <EXCLUDE_EXIT>|--before <BEFORE>|--after <AFTER>|--limit <LIMIT>|--offset <OFFSET>|--interactive|--filter-mode <FILTER_MODE>|--search-mode <SEARCH_MODE>|--shell-up-key-binding|--human|QUERY|--cmd-only|--delete|--delete-it-all|--reverse|--format <FORMAT>|--inline-height <INLINE_HEIGHT>>

For more information, try '--help'.
--with-hwloc=internal --with-libevent=internal --with-pmix=internal \
> --prefix=$HOME/installed/Compiler/clang-gfortran-12/openmpi/5.0.1 |& tee configure.clang-gfortran-12.logerror: unexpected argument '--prefix' found

  tip: to pass '--prefix' as a value, use '-- --prefix'

Usage: atuin search <--cwd <CWD>|--exclude-cwd <EXCLUDE_CWD>|--exit <EXIT>|--exclude-exit <EXCLUDE_EXIT>|--before <BEFORE>|--after <AFTER>|--limit <LIMIT>|--offset <OFFSET>|--interactive|--filter-mode <FILTER_MODE>|--search-mode <SEARCH_MODE>|--shell-up-key-binding|--human|QUERY|--cmd-only|--delete|--delete-it-all|--reverse|--format <FORMAT>|--inline-height <INLINE_HEIGHT>>

For more information, try '--help'.
--prefix=$HOME/installed/Compiler/clang-gfortran-12/openmpi/5.0.1 |& tee configure.clang-gfortran-12.log

== Configuring Open MPI

*** Prerequisites
checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /Users/mathomp4/.homebrew/brew/bin/gsed
checking for perl... perl

*** Startup tests
checking build system type... aarch64-apple-darwin23.2.0
checking host system type... aarch64-apple-darwin23.2.0
checking target system type... aarch64-apple-darwin23.2.0

All I’m doing is copying the first line from a less pane with Ctrl-c and then pasting in my other pane with Ctrl-v, and hitting Enter. And on the paste I get that error out with the third and fourth line.

I can then hit Enter and it’s like all is well, but I’m confused about what atuin is reacting to.

From what I can see from my ~/.config/atiun/config.toml the only settings that are not commented out are:

filter_mode_shell_up_key_binding = "directory"
enter_accept = true

Any ideas what’s going on?

This has been fixed in main for both zsh and bash, but not released just yet. It comes from the zsh-autosuggestions plugin


You can workaround for now by putting this in your .zshrc, after the atuin init

_zsh_autosuggest_strategy_atuin() {
    suggestion=$(atuin search --cmd-only --limit 1 --search-mode prefix -- "$1")

Lmk if this works for you!

Ahh. Okay. I figured I couldn’t have been the first to see this, but I had no idea who was causing it so I didn’t know how to test it out!

And yep, it fixes it! I’ll put that in my .zshrc as a temp fix until the new atuin comes out!

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great! glad it’s sorted