How to isolate command history for each shell session?

Previously using the built-in history function of the shell, the command history of each shell session was isolated from each other. Atuin seems to have shared the command history across all shell sessions. Previously I could directly execute the previous command, but now I need to search or move up multiple times to get to it. How can I configure atuin’s behavior to be consistent with before?

You can set

filter_mode = 'session'

In your config file (~/.config/atuin/config.toml)

We also have settings for using a different filter mode for the up arrow

See the docs

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Thank you so much for your reply! It was extremely helpful for solving my issue.

However, I have discovered a new issue. When I open a new shell session, the default history is blank. If I want to search the history, I need to press Ctrl+r to switch the filter mode. Is there a filter mode similar to ‘session_with_global’? Where the history of the current session continuously adds to the previous history.

If you open a new shell, the session is new thus there is no history for that session.

e.g. I have set my config to this:

filter_mode = "host"
filter_mode_shell_up_key_binding = "session"

So when I want to get the history for the session I just hit the up cursor key. Otherwise I use Ctrl-r instead of the up arrow key (which I have been using until now anyway with fzf). This gives me all commands from the computer I am currently working on. If I need a command from another system, I then switch to global by pressing ctrl-r in the atuin TUI.

But maybe you want to change your up key behavior to host. That’s maybe more what you have been used to before using atuin.


Thank you for your reply. I should read more of the documentation - using it is still somewhat different from the previous behavior, but it’s already good enough to use. Much appreciated.

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One other option, for the sake of completeness: you can invoke atuin only on ^R, and leave the up-arrow binding to just use the standard shell history (which will be session-local, preloaded with global history at startup, for common shells like bash).

It’s sometimes an easier way to get used to using atuin, especially if your musclememory expects up-arrow to be a quick way to edit and rerun commands with typos.