Is it possible to use the down-arrow key in place of the up-arrow?

Has anyone tried to replace the use of the up-arrow key with the down-arrow key to activate atuin? This might allow me to access commands in history that are not saved by atuin because I configured atuin’s TOML file to not save them. However, sometimes I need to run these commands again. I know I can disable the up-arrow key and use ctrl-r, but I think the down-arrow key is easier to use. Using the \ character in front of a command is another way to manage what atuin stores in its history.

Depending on the shell you’re using, you can bind custom keys like this:

export ATUIN_NOBIND="true"
eval "$(atuin init zsh)"

bindkey '^r' atuin-search

# bind to the up key, which depends on terminal mode
bindkey '^[[A' atuin-up-search
bindkey '^[OA' atuin-up-search

There’s examples in the above for our default bindings, but you could swap that out for whatever you want