I’m not using sync at all, just local db on one machine.
I installed atuin via curl, ran export HISTFILE
then atuin import zsh
I see all the commands up that point, but no new ones are added. I can see new commands being added to .zsh_history, but atuin is not adding them to the database. I verified this by looking at the history table.
I have the following in my .zshrc:
. "$HOME/.atuin/bin/env"
eval "$(atuin init zsh)"
doctor outputs:
"atuin": {
"version": "18.3.0",
"sync": null,
"sqlite_version": "3.46.0"
"shell": {
"name": "zsh",
"default": "zsh",
"plugins": [
"preexec": "built-in"
"system": {
"os": "Darwin",
"arch": "arm64",
"version": "14.7.1",
"disks": [
"name": "Macintosh HD",
"filesystem": "apfs"
"name": "Macintosh HD",
"filesystem": "apfs"
any ideas?