If you’re interested in testing out the GUI and giving feedback, please let me know!
This is a pre-release, and is not as tested as a production build
- It may not always be easy and without manual steps to downgrade from a prerelease build to the last stable. It will be possible to upgrade automatically to the next stable after a prerelease.
- Prerelease builds are more likely to contain bugs or regressions. They are unlikely to lose data, but do be cautious when running the bleeding edge.
- Prerelease builds may contain functionality not yet in a production release. Please let us know what you think!
If you’ve previously used our installer and have atuin-update
in your path, you can use
atuin-update --prerelease
Otherwise, you can download prerelease binaries here: Release 18.4.0-beta.1 - 2024-06-25 · atuinsh/atuin · GitHub
Or use the installer
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf https://github.com/atuinsh/atuin/releases/download/v18.4.0-beta.1/atuin-installer.sh | sh
This will download a binary to ~/.atuin/bin/atuin
, and add it to PATH. It will also install a binary called atuin-update
, which will update users to the latest stable version by default. atuin-update --prerelease
will update to the latest prerelease
Otherwise, the following command will work
cargo install --git https://github.com/atuinsh/atuin atuin --tag v18.4.0-beta.1
Nothing major! If you’re using Atuin Cloud, I would appreciate if you can test running
atuin account verify
You should get an email with a command to run, in order to verify your email address. In a future release, this will be used to allow users to reset their passwords (without requiring that they have a valid email)
It can be configured for self-hosted users with Postmark, though password recovery is far easier to do manually there than setting up/maintaining emails.
Bug Fixes
- (crate) Add missing description (#2106)
- (crate) Add description to daemon crate (#2107)
- (gui) Update deps (#2116)
- (gui) Add support for checking if the cli is installed on windows (#2162)
- Cargo binstall config (#2112)
- Unitless sync_frequence = 0 not parsed by humantime (#2154)
- Some --help comments didn’t show properly (#2176)
- Ensure we cleanup all tables when deleting (#2191)
- (daemon) Follow XDG_RUNTIME_DIR if set (#2171)
- (gui) Automatically install and setup the cli/shell (#2139)
- (gui) Add activity calendar to the homepage (#2160)
- (gui) Cache zustand store in localstorage (#2168)
- (gui) Toast with prompt for cli install, rather than auto (#2173)
- (history) Filter out various environment variables containing potential secrets (#2174)
- (tui) Configurable prefix character (#2157)
- Use cargo-dist installer from our install script (#2108)
- Add user account verification (#2190)
Miscellaneous Tasks
- (build) Compile protobufs with protox (#2122)
- (ci) Do not run current ci for ui (#2189)
- (deps-dev) Bump @tauri-apps/cli in /ui (#2135)
- (deps-dev) Bump vite from 5.2.13 to 5.3.1 in /ui (#2150)
- (nix) De-couple atuin nix build from nixpkgs rustc version (#2123)
- Add installer e2e tests (#2110)
- Remove unnecessary proto import (#2120)
- Update to rust 1.78
- Add audit config, ignore RUSTSEC-2023-0071 (#2126)
- Setup dependabot for the ui (#2128)
- Cargo and pnpm update (#2127)
- Update to rust 1.79 (#2138)
- Update to cargo-dist 0.16, enable attestations (#2156)