Release v18.4.0-beta.2

If you’re interested in testing out the GUI and giving feedback, please let me know!


This is a pre-release, and is not as tested as a production build

  1. It may not always be easy and without manual steps to downgrade from a prerelease build to the last stable. It will be possible to upgrade automatically to the next stable after a prerelease.
  2. Prerelease builds are more likely to contain bugs or regressions. They are unlikely to lose data, but do be cautious when running the bleeding edge.
  3. Prerelease builds may contain functionality not yet in a production release. Please let us know what you think!


If you’ve previously used our installer and have atuin-update in your path, you can use

atuin-update --prerelease

Otherwise, you can download prerelease binaries here: Release 18.4.0-beta.1 - 2024-06-25 · atuinsh/atuin · GitHub

Or use the installer

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

This will download a binary to ~/.atuin/bin/atuin, and add it to PATH. It will also install a binary called atuin-update, which will update users to the latest stable version by default. atuin-update --prerelease will update to the latest prerelease

Otherwise, the following command will work

cargo install --git atuin --tag v18.4.0-beta.2


The biggest change to the TUI is the theme support! Thanks @philtweir :pray:

You can read more about it here: Theming | Atuin Docs

Otherwise, we now default to using sync v2. If you haven’t yet enabled it, it will be enabled for you.

It’s been tested by a lot of people now and has performed well, though I’ll always be concerned about automatic data migration :joy:


I tried updating with the new atuin-update. Works great. Atuin works as expected, i.e., amazingly, in general.

The first thing I noticed is that the text for the records is dimmed, greyed out, maybe. It actually makes it uncomfortable for me and my not-so-healthy eyes to read the records. Perhaps this should not be the default and the white text would be better by default?


I suppose max_depth: 10 in the docs should be max_depth = 10.

AlertInto = "green"` 

should be

AlertInfo = "green"


All in all, this is a fantastic addition to the project. Thank you @philtweir :heart: Works pretty well. Below are some nitpicks I came across.
No warnings for a badly parsed theme config file (I copy-pasted some random stuff by accident and the parser was OK with it).

I find it a little unfortunate that one can have a file theme-1.toml with a content

name = "theme-2"

but that is normal for these kinds of configurations, I would say, a probably does not hurt anyone.

Some guide on which Meanings correspond to which parts of the TUI should be added. Otherwise, it is a bit of a hit-and-miss to know why, for example, AlertError is the colour of the selected record from the list etc.

I think the docs should show an example of one of the themes (autumn, default, etc.) in its entirety with an additional comment such as Meaning = <value> # This sets the colour to x, y, and z. for all the existing mappings.

Furthermore, I did not notice the debug = true to do anything.

theme table in Docs → Config should have a link to the theming guide, in my opinion.


Thanks @Adda , much appreciated feedback on theming! Of course keen to get @ellie 's thoughts on those points too, but that makes a lot of sense to me and thanks for spotting the typos - will take a look :smiley:

Thanks also @ellie - appreciate the work getting that all into the beta, especially your reviews!


True. When a community PR gets merged, maintainers preparing the PR for release and reviewers of the project never receive enough love for their support and help during the review process and all the way leading up to the release. Many thanks to you, @ellie, too :heart:

Hmm, maybe a name for the default theme could be "default" (be it even an alias to ""). Simply so that there is no possible confusion when looking at the theme config alone?

name = "my-super-theme"
parent = ""  # Erm, so... Is there a parent, or do I have to set everything manually?


name = "my-super-theme"
parent = "default"

seems more readable to newbies to Atuin theming options.


Can I make a theme that is the same as the old one? I can’t figure out the right color for e.g. the time. Tried “greeen”, “darkgreen” and “lightgreen”, but they are all different than the previous one.

You’re right! I hadn’t actually noticed the visible change in default colours, as I changed terminals and colour schemes around the time I tested this :woman_facepalming:

It would be good to get the default colours to be the same as they were, at least as close as we can. Will probably need to convert to/from ANSI colours

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Ive yet to grab the beta to play with today, but just a thought… could we borrow/adopt/import the colour schemes from the GOGH project? (a terminal theming project)

edit - oh glory be! It works! Gogh colours beautiful.

Happy to test the GUI once your ready for testing.

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I had not noticed this either, as my default colour is gray :expressionless: Sorry folks - however, the only change that should have happened is to the default “unset” colour as it picks grey in that case. On the road at the moment, but I have a bigger fix prepped which switches from passing colours internally to passing styles (thereby allowing optional foreground colours) - this requires a bunch more changes to existing code, so I would suggest a lighter patch in the meantime, I will try and PR asap.

The rest of the colours were copied verbatim from the original code, so if you are seeing other changes to the default theme, then either there is a separate issue (either due to standardizing on the crossterm Color or a copy/paste error by me) - please shout out!

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Only the input line and numbers are the same for me (the cyan is my modification however). Other colors are similar but definitely different.

The terminal is GNOME Terminal.

Try the newest beta release. That should fix the default colours to what they were before.

I’ll close this one, as v18.4.0-beta.3 is now out :slight_smile: