Terminal setup?

I’m a newcomer to atuin (in a way, a dream come true, as I’ve been wanting this for a while).

I’m a Windows user, and currently use Windows Terminal to access my Linux systems that have atuin on them.

Shell are mostly bash, sometimes zsh.
I usually use zellij as a multiplexer, but I tried with and without it without success.

This might be a version thing, as I currently only use the released binary.

I’ve combed through the documentation, and I can’t seem to get most of the key-bindings to do my biding. It’s like they are completely ignored.

  • If anyone here is on Windows like me, if they can share which terminal emulator they are using and any setup they needed to do to get atuin tuned to their liking - please share.


  • Is there a way to dump a list of active keybindings?
  • Is there a way to test whether keybinding are picked up?

Its the terminal emulator that handles the key bindings but the shell. What shell are you using (cmd or powershell)? If your SSHing into a linux system then the linux system would handle the key bindings.

Currently cmd and powershell is not supported, you can follow this issue: Powershell Support · Issue #84 · atuinsh/atuin · GitHub for powershell support.

I’m using atuin in my remote Linux systems (all debian based), mostly bash, sometimes zsh.

I usually use zellij as a multiplexer, but I tried with and without it without success.

If you remote into the linux servers, each shell needs to have it installed. Nothing is needed on windows unless you want it in the windows based shells. For zsh and bash, you should look here. Nothing needs to be installed or configured on the terminal emulator. Sorry if I’m misunderstanding your problem.

I’m talking about the keybindings inside the autin UI

actually, it’s probably just not released yet.

I saw the mention of the inspector, but it’s not in the docs yet, so probably not in the release either.

The inspector has been release in 18.0.0! You don’t need to set anything up afaik for windows terminal. You can use ctl+O to open the inspector while in the ui. But i can try and repo once i get home.

P.s. I’m using alacritty with nushell

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