The new .atuin directory


The installer will have told you what it’s doing, for example:

downloading atuin 18.3.0 aarch64-apple-darwin
installing to /Users/ellie/.atuin/bin
everything's installed!

We tried for a really long time to try and use the system package manager exclusively, but due to the amount of questions like in the other thread you commented on, we’re shifting to our own installer. It includes atuin-update, which updates to the latest release without needing to run the installer again.

That way, if users choose to use their package manager then they know what to do, and if not then we can help them.

Our install script has always said what it’s doing, but I don’t think people read the output. Right now the install script falls back to our own binary install if it cannot use a package manager, and in the next release will always be the way. Previously we’d compile from source, but now we download a binary.

I appreciate this, however it was discussed in the prerelease notes for 18.3.0, and also the release notes for 18.3.0. I just added something else to the docs, but you have any suggestions to make them more clear, I’d really appreciate a PR!

Thanks! Glad you like it :smiley: