Tmux session filter

Basically would it be possible to add functionality for filtering by tmux session? Currently i use ctrl R to search global, and the up arrow is set to use the pwd history, but ideally i’d like to extend that to be the current tmux session history, or the non tmux history if not in a session. I dont know anything about rust or your implementation so no idea how hard/easy this would be to achieve, but would be a significant improvement in workflow for anyone who uses tmux, so, all the cool kids basically, lol


Just to clarify here - by tmux session, do you mean you want the same history for all panes/splits/whatever within a single tmux session?

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Yes! Exactly that! I tend to have a load of tmux sessions, may be months between looking at them and first port of call would be to use fzf to do the same thing, have a quick look at what it was I was doing to jog my memory, and also useful for launching servers etc. I don’t know how much it would useful for other people ya know, I kinda just said it without thinking cos was excited at finally getting my self hosted container up lol

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