Two separate histories on one username/hostname

So, my use case might sound somewhat weird.

I have one machine, with one local user - as most of us. But as this user while at work I’m opening a ‘work’ terminal emulator, where I set my $HOME from standard /home/ftpd to /home/ftpd/work and everything work-related lives inside this directory.

I also (re)set my XDG directories in this terminal to be relative to this ‘work home’ - for example I keep my standard shell configuration in /home/ftpd/.zsh and the work config in /home/ftod/work/.zsh and so on.

Now: I would like to use a separate shell history, too. Obviously with the standard zsh’s history I’m doing just fine - my private history lies in /home/ftpd/.local/share/zsh/history and in work terminal my HISTFILE is set to /home/ftpd/work/.local/share/zsh/history. I was also able to import it to two ‘instances’ of atuin just fine - priv is in /home/ftpd/.local/share/atuin, work in /home/ftpd/work/.local/share/atuin and everything works.

The problem starts when I want to use sync - and I want to do it for keeping a backup, mostly. Everything works, but in the HOST scope in both terminals I see the same content, and I want to distinguish them (and maybe access all together with GLOBAL scope, sometimes).

So, after this rather long into, the question is: can I somehow force atuin to ‘think’ that this given setup is a totally ‘new’ one for the sync? I’ve tried setting ATUIN_HOST_NAME, but it still looks bad. Or maybe my sync history is now ‘broken’ and I need to purge and resend it?